Very Flattering Mention

I could not believe it when I started getting sales last year. All I had done was upload my books. And, as though by magic, people started buying them. It felt unreal. Who are these people? And how did they hear about me? They hadn't, of course. They came across my work through a nice middle man(or middle woman) named Amazon(and later Barnes and Noble).

But I always wonder who these buyers are. And what do they make of my work? One gets a sense of this through reviews, which have been great thus far. But I got a better look at these readers when one actually emailed me.

Rich Swerbinsky read my works to his kids and wrote to say they enjoyed them. So I looked him up. Turns out he's a very busy guy. In addition to being the Vice President - Residential Lending for First Federal of Lakewood, he runs and That's right - Vice President, of a bank, and runs two super websites(I checked them out; they're funny as hell and very insightful about financial markets). Plus, he's a funny writer himself.

So what am I left with? Some trepidation, to be honest. My readers are some smart, successful, discerning people. So I'm gonna have to try and come up with some good stuff.


  1. As a fellow Clevelander, I completely back his endorsement. I may not be the VP of a bank but my son and I have thoroughly enjoyed your books. I wish you the best of luck with your continued writing and anxiously await to read more!

    1. Dave,
      Thank you very much for the kind words. It really means a lot.
      Seems like Cleveland people like me. Something in the water? I oughta go visit.
